Title | Body |
Space Weather R2O2R Framework | The Space Weather R2O2R Framework is a product of the National Science & Technology Council (NSTC) and was published by the White House in March 2022. This document was developed by the Space Weather Operations, Research, and Mitigation (SWORM) Subcommittee in response to the National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan, Action 2.7: Identify mechanisms for sustaining and transitioning models and observational capabilities from research to operations. |
R2O2R Overview | Research-to-Operations-to-Research (R2O2R) refers to the cyclical process by which basic research endeavors (R), having been identified as having the potential for improving forecasting capabilities, are matured, in a targeted way, toward a formal operational implementation (O) and, once "operationalized", subsequent needs for refinements are conveyed back to the research community (R). |
2023 NASA-NOAA R2O2R Town Hall | The inaugural NASA/NOAA R2O2R Town Hall discussion was held on April 12, 2023 via Google Meet. This annual event is intended to provide a platform within which the broader research community may directly engage with agency representatives in discussion of the NASA SWR2O2R program, the R2O2R process as a whole, and effective modes of engaging with operational agencies to ensure aligned efforts which may accelerate research efforts toward operational implementation. |
O2R Grants - Transition Step | O2R Grants - Transition Step - showing current O2R transition grant recipients |